JCS IMPORTANT REMINDER: Rising 7th & 12th Graders must show proof of immunization of TDaP and MCV4 (Meningitis) vaccine. You can find more information and upload proof of immunization at jcswv.org/vaccine

This just in: Volleyball Conditioning
ATTENTION ALL :: upcoming 6th,7th and 8th grade panthers
Volleyball Conditioning starts Tuesday July 16th from 2:30 to 4:30 Monday to Friday in the gym up to the day of tryouts. (Tryout date TBD by the new head coach)
REQUIRED :: physical dated after May 1st, 2024
Plenty of water, knee pads if you have them and a positive attitude.
Coach Crouse will be running conditioning with Coach Robinson stopping in when she can.
Please share with anyone that maybe interested.
Thank you for your patience as we have been working to fill the head coach vacancy.

JCS Families: Reminder free physicals today at Harpers Ferry Middle School from 1:30 pm- 3:00 pm see attached flyer for more information.

JCS wants your feedback! We continually seek to improve how we communicate with our families and community. Please take a moment to complete our JCS Communications Survey: https://forms.office.com/r/P1SwEePqvK

JCS End of Year Newsletter! What you need to know between now and August: https://secure.smore.com/n/smw8t

6th Grade students in Ms. Ervine's classes used the engineering design process to create towers using pencils that can hold the weight of an apple. Students enjoyed coming up with designs and measuring their creations.

8th Grade students in Ms. Sinoy's Math classes prepared for the WVGSA by completing a Question Trail. Students enjoyed solving problems and the weather as they completed the trail outside.

CTMS Community: Check out the WVGSA Special Edition of the CTMS Prowler:

Student in Ms. Hollcroft's ELA classes completed a gallery walk as test prep for the WVGSA. Students identified test question types and the amount of answers needed for each question.

7th Grade students in Science classes taught by Ms. Narsolis completed a question trail on the depletion of natural resources as part of their renewable and non-renewable resource unit. Students' answers choices led them to the next question.

6th Grade students attended an assembly led by Mr. William Herndon from the Fire Marshall's Office in Loudoun County. He was joined by Bali, an accelerant detection canine. Mr. Herndon shared about his job, cases he has worked on, and showed a demonstration of what Bali has been trained to do.

Congratulations to Katie Madrid and Cynthia Carper on being named the district's 2024 Teacher and Service Person of the Year! We were thrilled to honor these outstanding members of our educational community at our annual recognition dinner on April 25. Read more here 👉 https://www.jcswv.org/article/1569068

This morning, Charles Town Middle School staff placed the school on a HOLD, with instruction continuing in the classroom. A student had a medical emergency, and an ambulance was called. We thank our students, staff, and emergency responders for their cooperation and work.
Thank you,
Ms. Reed

Happy Administrative Professionals Day to Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Armel, Mrs. Gauckler, and Mrs. Gregg!
In our crazy world of Middle School, you each make the day's easier! Thank you for all that you do for Charles Town Middle School.

6th Grade students are working on their DBQ (document-based question) in US History classes. Students created an introduction for their essay and displayed it for their peers to see.

CTMS Community:
Check out the latest information in the CTMS Prowler below!

Students in Ms. Debell's 8th Grade Science classes completed an experiment to see if they are "supertasters". Students tested their taste buds to determine if they have extra sensitive taste buds or just normally sensitive ones. Using a participant strip, students recorded what they tasted and used this to determine their genotype.

JCS Reminder: Tomorrow, Friday, April 12th is a 2-Hour Early Dismissal for students and a Faculty Senate day for staff.

CTMS will be collecting any unwated Solar Glasses that you may have laying around your house after yesterday's solar eclipse. All glasses collected will be sent to Astronomers Without Borders. Astronomers without Borders is collecting solar glasses to give to underdeveloped countries which will experience Solar Eclipses later this year.
Glasses can be turned in to the main office or to your student's first period teacher. Mrs. Dunn (7th Grade ELA Teacher) has graciously volunteered to make sure any collected glasses will get to Astronomers Without Borders.

JCS Reminder: Tomorrow, Monday, April 8th is a 2-Hour Early Dismissal.